
+234 702 666 0082


Agriculture & Agro-processing

Agriculture is the mainstay of Plateau State economy, accounting for a significant proportion of the Gross Domestic Product and engages about 75% of the population. The Plateau's agriculture is predominantly smallholder, traditional and rain-fed, and the farming systems vary across agro-ecological zones. However, there are some features that cut across farmlands throughout the State. The major strengths of the sector stem from a diversity of commodities, a well-endowed drainage basin, a well-established agricultural veterinary, research and training institutes, and relative proximity to multiple large markets and international airports. Plateau State produces over 92% of Irish potato in Nigeria, and has the best location for cultivation and processing of Potato in West Africa. 95% of Nigeria's Fonio grain (Acha) a type of millet with small grain and acclaimed nutritional qualities, is produced on the Plateau. Other Plateau's agriculture comparative advantage exists in crop farming and horticulture, livestock production, fisheries and aquaculture. Agriculture contributes to State's export earnings, serves as a major source of inputs for the manufacturing sector and it is a vehicle for employment creation. The sector employs about 40% of the State population through direct and indirect labour opportunities and has greater impact on poverty reduction. This is critical for rural development and associated cultural values, social stabilization, environmental sustainability, and serves as a buffer during economic shocks.

Agro-Investment Opportunities
    With the vast resources in Plateau's agriculture sub-sector, opportunities exist in:
  • Tap into the underserved $220million demand for fruits and vegetables in Nigeria, by leveraging on the good weather conditions, fertile land and improving operating environment in Plateau to build fruit and vegetable farms to cover supply gap
  • Leverage on the ready, large-scale production of fruits and vegetables, potatoes, grains, kenaf crops, fonio (acha), exotic flowers, dairy products, sesame seeds, that are sold at lower prices compared to neighboring states, & build processing and packaging industries for these crops to serve close by large consumer markets
  • Serve high demand for refrigerated transports and storage facilities by farmers and off-takers, in order for them to reduce loss of produce when transporting to consumer markets and store produce to sell at higher prices
  • Huge opportunities exist for fertilizer and agro-chemical production in addition to the assembly of tractors and other agro-equipment.

Mining & Mineral Processing

Plateau has rich deposits of a variety of industrial minerals of high quality that has earned it the name of the major hub of mining activities in Nigeria, especially in tin and columbite, accounting for about 50% of Nigeria's total production by volume. These minerals are found in quantities that have continued to attract local and international attention, that await partnership or joint venture with private investment to unlock its increasing value and development status. The minerals are broadly classified into base metals (metallic ores), industrial minerals and gemstones. Apart from tin and associated minerals, Plateau is richly endowed with other valuable mineral resources of different sorts such as Kaolin, Lead/zinc, Feldspars, Barytes, Galena, Sphalerites sapphire which require further exploration and exploitation.

Mineral Processing Investment Opportunities
    There are tremendous opportunities for investments in the mineral sector in Plateau State, these include but not limited to the following:
  • Leverage on the state's large-scale production (largest in Nigeria) of highly valuable tin and columbite, and build processing plants for these minerals to meet growing global market demand.

Recreation and Tourism

Plateau State is undoubtedly the most endowed State in Nigeria in terms of recreation and tourism resources, and it is Nigeria's leading tourist destination, a position bestowed to State by nature's comparative advantage over other States in Nigeria. These endowments, which are indeed prosperity of the State vary from both natural/man-made lakes/ponds and waterfalls, variety of unique exotic flora and fauna, natural and man-made game reserves, captivating scenic beauty and landscapes, rich and colorful cultural/historic heritage, pleasant weather, peaceful and hospitable people. The prevalence of these natural and historic tourist sites serves as a major driver of Plateau economy which adds to the sector's potentials for private tourism investment. As such the State government is committed to increasing infrastructure investments of Plateau's tourism sector to boost both the number of tourist arrivals and the net spend per tourist in Plateau. Plateau also has rich cultural heritage of the over 50 ethno-linguistic groups, which expresses itself in form of dances, arts, festivals and annual cultural carnivals, promoting the socio-cultural talents. The State is commonly referred to as the Hollywood of Nigeria. The sector has pioneered the growth of Nigeria' film industry especially television film production, in addition to several top Nigerian musical artists tracing their heritage to Plateau. The combination of the beautiful scenery, and vibrant cosmopolitan population coupled with the presence of the Nigerian entertainment institutes present an attraction for film, video, music and equipment to invest in this sector. The tourism sector is playing an increasingly important role in the State development and transformation, contributing to economic growth and job creation.

Recreation and Tourism Investment Opportunities
  • The climate weather condition of the State is an added advantage for investors in the hospitality business to build hotels, recreation centres and parks.
  • Plateau State has several golf courses, investors can also take advantage of the attractive weather and picturesque nature of the State to construct world-class golf resorts in the state that in turn can host both international golf tournaments.
  • Investors entertainment business can take advantage of the abundant natural resources in addition to the availability of experts and equipment to invest in the tourism sector.


One of the key developmental indicators of the 21st century is infrastructural development, which provides the basis for development of all sectors of the economy, such as communication, tourism (hospitality, entertainment), transportation, urban and housing development and the delivery of goods and services. Plateau State has placed priority to infrastructural and human development, which can be realized through robust financing options. This has informed the decision to embarked on the rapid infrastructural development of the State though road constructions, completion of projects, and renovation work.

Investment Opportunities in Infrastructure
    Huge opportunities for investors to partner with the State Government under the various type of Public-Private Partnership agreement to;
    Potential Build Operate Transfer Partnerships for construction of truck terminal along 3 key transit routes:
  • Dengi - Wase
  • Bisischi - Fan - Mangu
  • Panyam - Shendam

Energy and Renewable Energy

    Potential Build Operate Transfer Partnerships for 6 high traffic roads linking:
  • Dengi - Wase
  • Bisischi - Fan - Mangu
  • Panyam - Shendam
  • Mato - Shimankar - Knanade
  • Shendam - Namu
  • Mangu - Musu - Bokkos

The energy sector is the lifeline in the development of any nation. This informed the decision of exploring expansion of grid and mini -grid connections to areas with high potentials.

    Plateau State in Nigeria is endowed with the four (4) sources of renewable energy. They include but not limited to the following,
  • Solar at over 2MW per square meter per annum, over 10,000sqkim of accessible land
  • About 30 potential hydro-power points of between 2MW-100MW generational capacity
  • Wind at speed between 4meter/second along 4 identified corridors
  • High calorie plants for Biomass energy like Jatropha and Castor that grow even in the wild

The increased demand by power users for greater security and reliability, other sources of power - thermal, solar, and windmills, have been added to the generation mix. The central location of Plateau State also, makes it an ideal hub for clean energy general and distribution across the three Northern Regions of the Country Plateau's energy sector has evolved over the last decade, owing to continuous reforms and stability that allowed for increased investment by private players of electricity sub-sector. With the mapping and profiling of priority sites for grid and mini-gird connections as well as the recent passage of the Energy Corporation Law, introduces the Plateau State Energy Corporation to focus on supporting private sector. The current efforts in energy sector will help investors determine high potential sites and navigate regulations.

Energy and Renewable Energy Investment Opportunities
    This include but not limited to:
  • Build mini-grids to supply power to key commercial districts (current and planned)
  • Agro-hubs
  • Priority mining sites


The manufacturing sector is the bedrock of every economy. Is reputed to be the engine of growth and a catalyst for sustainable transformation and development. Plateau State is a central location for a variety of industrial activities due to the availability of natural resources, affordable labor cost and large market. Its manufacturing sector is reemerging due largely to the improving performance of the consumer and household goods industries.Therefore, the manufacturing sector has the ability to transform Plateau's economy by expanding the State's production and export base while also increasing employment, income, and revenues. Food and agro-processing, cotton, textiles and garment as well as mineral processing are some of the industries that might promote manufacturing in Plateau State. Emerging and ongoing initiative that may have a significant impact on the manufacturing sector include the development of value chains for local raw materials. The sector is strategic to government's objective of diversifying the economy in line with the Economic Recovery & Growth Plan.

Investment Opportunities in Manufacturing Sector
  • Components for Agric mechanization amongst others
  • Cotton production, processing trade, garments and textile machinery.
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7 Beach Rd, 930105, Jos, Plateau State.

+234 702 666 0082, +234 702 666 0083


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